Garden Suite FAQ
Here are some frequently asked Garden Suite questions that we get. If you have a question that is not on this list, feel free to contact us!
Can I build a Backyard House if I already have a basement suite?
In most cases, yes! You can have both a basement suite and Backyard House on your property in all the zones that allow Backyard Housing.
What if my utilities connect to the front of the street and not the lane?
Not all utilities in the city connect to the lane. In these instances, your builder may suggest a long trench from the front street to the suite, connecting to the main house, or alternatives such as directional drilling. This can add additional cost.
What is the maximum size of a Garden Suite?
The maximum size of a Garden Suite is 130m2 (1,399sf), inclusive of garage and living space. In mature neighbourhoods, you are allowed a maximum of 50m2 on the second storey. In developing neighbourhoods, you are allowed 60m2 on the second storey. You are also allowed to have 60m2 on the second storey if you build to Inclusive Design Standards (fully accessible).
How much does it cost to build a Backyard House?
The cost to build a Backyard Houses in Edmonton starts at around $225,000.
What is it like living with renters in your backyard?
From what current Backyard House owners have told us, issues with renters are minimal. Most owners develop positive relationships with the occupants of their suite.
How many Backyard Houses are in Edmonton?
There are close to 800 permitted Backyard Houses in Edmonton.
Do I need to include a parking space?
As of July 2, 2020 the City of Edmonton eliminated parking minimums! This means homeowners can choose how much or low little parking to provide on their site based on their needs. You are not required to have a set number of stalls.
I don't have a laneway, can I still build a Garden Suite?
Yes, you can, however there are height restriction on how tall your Garden Suite can be compared to lots that have laneways.
Can I build a Garden Suite, move into it, and then redevelop my main house?
Yes, you can.
Can my neighbours appeal my Garden Suite?
As long as you are within the rules and regulations, no, your Garden Suite cannot be appealed. Your neighbours only have an opportunity to appeal if your Garden Suite has a variance.
Is a Garden Suite the same as a tiny home?
Not really. A Garden Suite is a permanent structure and is widely permitted in the City of Edmonton, while tiny homes are typically movable. Currently tiny homes on wheels are only permitted in locations such a trailer parks. That being said, there are no minimum unit size requirements, so you could build a "tiny home", it just wouldn't be portable. ​

If you don't see your question here, contact us!